Sunday, January 13, 2019

Finding motivation in the little things

Hey, all. I've lurked this sub for almost a year now.

I began taking my weight loss journey seriously last January and began dieting and just making healthier choices for myself. I would typically have Greek yogurt, hummus and veggies, cereal, salads with chicken, and chicken or fish with veggies as my main meals/snacks. I allowed myself to indulge in unhealthier foods and alcohol with my friends. It was going well for quite a few months, and I lost about 30 pounds by the spring. The weight loss continued and things were going well.

I hit some rough patches in life shortly after that. Being unemployed and depressed really made me not care about what I ate - I just wanted feel good food that was easy to get. Although I had been consistently losing more, I began to hit a plateau. Soon, during the summer, I gained about 10 pounds and was back in the 210s. Once I moved home (July), the depression got worse and I was just either indulging in food or having no appetite at all. The past few months, I've been eating less (I no longer need as much food to get full), but I wasn't really watching what I was eating. Because I was eating less and not having much of an appetite due to depression, I continued to lose weight slowly again until I got to about 190.

However, I got a FitBit for Christmas and it has really reinvigorated me to start dieting and being more conscientious of my eating habits. It might sound silly, but this little FitBit has given me so much motivation. I now track all of my meals and snacks, I have my weight set up with my next goal, and I just LOVE seeing how many steps I take in a day! I am still unemployed and feeling bad because of that, but my FitBit has actually made me want to just go out and walk around just so I can see how many thousands of steps I take without even realizing it! This has honestly gotten me back into a mindset where I really want to start seeing changes in myself again. I was starting to feel how I felt back at 230 pounds. Feeling ugly and gross. Today, I stepped on the scale to see that I've lost 3 pounds since I last checked my weight.

I see all these posts here and I am always so moved and motivated by the hard work people put into their own weight loss journeys, so I am ready to continue mine. Keep up the great work, even if you get a little derailed along the way!

submitted by /u/baggyslaggy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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