Friday, January 11, 2019

From a desperate standpoint: Do you sweat less?

Heya lose it! My problem is that I sweat too much. A year ago, I decided I can't take the sweat anymore and got a surgery called ETS where they burn some of your nerves to prevent you from sweating. This proved a very bad decision and the sweat from my head and hands transferred all over my body. Chest, back, legs, everywhere.

Now a five minute walk, even in winter, leaves my shirt soaking wet. It's gotten so bad that I seriously contemplated suicide in the summer. Winter is still a challenge. I am currently 115 kg and 178 cm. My question: Did you have a problem with excessive sweating and did it get any better with weight loss? If so, at which point did you see a marked reduction? I imagine it would be reduced, in fact I know it would. But I am at a point where if I don't see some affirmation every now and then, I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. I already take antidepressants and anticholinergic medicine which results in constant mental fog. I can't get a job fearing the summer. I read everything there is from the Google results. Please share your experience regarding sweat. It is very valuable to me.

submitted by /u/alpixoid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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