Saturday, January 19, 2019

have lost 22lbs in 3 weeks, my weight loss has slowed exponentially, what can I do to get out of this plateau?

I'm 25 year old 5'11 male, I weigh 238 lbs, I have recently lost 22lbs as a result of diet and exercise with a smidgen of depression very quickly in 2.5 weeks roughly. I have been on a VLCD, supervised. And also I cycle daily at the gym 14Km (35 minutes at high intensity) on fatburn settings every day of the week. Normally it reads I burn about 200 calories a day, however I am larger so those numbers could very will be very low compared to what I'm actually burning. The problem started this week, I woke up an checked my weight everyday. I was at 109.5 kg most of the week, then today I check and it's 108.9. I was losing weight much much faster before why this sudden slow down? and is there any way to increase my weight loss? Should I perhaps try eating more to get my metabolism up? I usually eat around 800-1000 calories a day now, but I'm looking to push it upto 1500 very soon when I start studying. I have also been taking vitamin supplements provided by the Dr. But otherwise I feel fine as I'm obese and a few weeks of little food is not going to kill me. Any advice would be beneficial, is it perhaps that my body is just in a plateau and will go back to normal? Or is it because I'm just not eating enough?

submitted by /u/smokez099090
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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