Monday, January 21, 2019

Help with where to start with spouse

So this may be a long post so I'm sorry in advance.

Let me start by saying that I am not the one who wants my wife to lose weight. I know that it is an extremely sensitive subject with her. Her losing weight would not make me any more attracted to her. I would only want her to lose weight so that she is healthier, and I have told her this already.

She wants to lose weight, but is frustrated with the "work" that is involved with losing the weight, namely either the planning or calorie counting. I've used myfitnespal in the past and she saw me logging things in and/or scanning bar codes to get a more accurate caloric intake count and she didn't want to do that work. I tried to say that it didn't have to be that accurate, and that with everything that is in the database you can get pretty good results, and when in doubt I picked the higher calorie option so that I was always overestimating my caloric intake. She also has done weight loss programs in the past, such as 21 day fix. She was fine with this for a point, but the work of limiting her meals to the special color coded cups got to her after about 2 months ad being too much work.

Our house life is a little difficult to exercise as we have two children at home, one in 4 day a week preschool, and the second is not in preschool yet (17 months). So the time that we have child-free with the nap time of our youngest or time once both kids are put to bed at night usually end up being relegated to mostly household chores. It is hard to get any household items done with the children awake as our youngest is a complete hurricane, he will ransack the house if we don't watch/entertain him, and our older daughter doesn't play with toys for too long by herself (I think because we played with her together so much when she was younger she didn't learn that when she was younger but this is just my own opinion).

Our older child has said a few things about her weight, unintentionally, not realizing the affect that it has on her. So this has led her more down the pathway of weight loss surgery. But for insurance to cover it there is a multi-step process involved, which again has been met with resistance a little bit. Only because she is concerned that the process before the surgery would likely drop her below the BMI coverage (BMI <40). I know not a bad thing, but my thought is that then this would result in more work for her to keep it up. I am hesitant for her to do weight loss surgery because I have either seen the complicated disasters that happen with these surgeries (I am an inpatient clinical pharamcist), or I see that it works for a year or so, but the stomach adjusts and people just gain the weight back. I know that I am biased with what I see at work and that there are success stories.

Today I got a text message that ended with, "I want to be healthier but I have no clue how I can even fit that into my life." I want to help her and be with her on a healthier journey as much as possible but I'm not sure where to help. I told her that we can figure out baby steps together but even with that I'm not sure where to start. Any help/comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/PghMe101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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