F, 18, SW: 65kg, GW: 58kg, CW: 60.6kg
So, a little bit of background. I've been trying to lose weight using CICO for about 5-6 weeks now, eating 1200 calories a day, and I've lost 4.6kg (9lbs) to date. The reason I started is that I was at the very edge of the healthy BMI range, and wanted to feel more confident about myself. I've recently started c25k and weightlifting 3 times a week. Whilst I feel like I'm doing very well, something in the back of my head tells me that my eating habits and thoughts have become slightly obsessive. So, I'm wondering if these are thoughts/behaviours that you guys have had, and therefore I'm not to worry, or if this is something I should talk to someone about. I'll outline them below.
- I'm eating very little, and I'm not bothered by it, which is strange for someone who had a massive appetite before. For example, yesterday I had some curry noodles (900 calories) with a friend, realised how high in calories it was, and didn't eat again. Well, unless you count the almond milk in my plain coffee. On a more typical day, I skip breakfast, have a subway teriyaki salad (200 calories) and then I eat dinner in the college canteen, skipping dessert and soup.
- I want to lower my goal weight to 55kg (121lbs) because I don't think I'll be thin enough at 58kg.
- I can't eat anything without logging it in mfp.
- I judge what other people are eating around me, trying to guess the calorie count, disgusted by the amount on their plate. I'm not proud of this.
- I cut things into small pieces so they last longer.
- I drink tea or coffee instead of eating a meal.
- I feel like I'm finally achieving something, and I'll finally like myself after this.
- I'm obsessed with weight loss. I read about it, google questions about it, etc.
- The only time I feel unwell is during my runs. Otherwise, I'm fine.
I know it's probably common, and nothing, but in case it's not, I'd rather realise now than later. Thanks in advance.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Dq75Vp
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