Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hunger vs. Satisfaction

Hi all, long time-first timer here. I’ve been struggling lately, and I’m hoping you all can offer some insight. I realized a big part of what’s holding me back is that even when I eat enough to not be hungry, I’m still don’t feel satisfied. Whether I’m not satisfied because I want to eat a higher volume of food or because I haven’t satisfied a particular craving (like bread/pasta/simple carbs, which I’m trying to limit because it’s a binge trigger for me), that nagging feeling eventually sends me back to the kitchen.

You’ve all probably heard some version of “if you’re not hungry enough for broccoli, you’re not hungry.” And I agree with that. I also know the benefit of CICO is you can fit in any type of food. But I’m sabotaging myself because of this lack of satisfaction.

Anyone have any tips or insight that might help? Is it just a matter of willpower to ignore that feeling? Do I just need to get over it? It feels like a failure every time I give in to the feeling, which doesn’t make for a great mental space to approach weight loss from. Thanks all!

submitted by /u/irisheyes7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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