Friday, January 18, 2019

I rationed the cookies!

I started my weight loss journey this week. Starting at 205, I'm already down to about 202 (I realize that pace won't last forever). I'm extremely proud of how I've been doing, but it's not easy! I've started Weight Watchers. My therapist suggested it repeatedly, and although I am sometimes resistant to her ideas..... she's usually right. So I gave in and gave it a shot (plus it was cheap with the new year sales). And it seems like this is just what I needed to get my head in the right place to really drop pounds.

Anyway. Today, as a thank you, a co-worker gifted me two enormous chocolate chip cookies from Starbucks. Now normally, I'd eat a whole one as a morning snack, and the second one later in the day. Or, maybe both at the same time. I have a problem binging on sweets. BUT.... today instead of digging in, I looked up how many points: 15. each cookie is 15 points. My daily budget is 23! I'd be eating well over my food budget just in that snack! No wonder I gained so much weight! Translate that to calories: my budget is around 1500.... and each cookie is around 500 calories.... of sugar, mostly. Yikes!

Here's my victory: I already have my meals planned for the day, and had a couple extra points built in. I really wanted a cookie, so if I skipped my cheese stick snacks, and ate HALF of a cookie, I would be right on target today. So I broke a cookie in half, enjoyed the hell out of it, and put the rest away. I RATIONED THE COOKIES! For the sake of my health! Whee!

Guys, I know this isn't huge in the grand scheme of things. For many people, this is just how you eat. For me though, it's a huge victory. For me, it's a tangible shift in my thinking and behavior. Today, it was a hard thought-out decision. But hopefully it will become a life-long habit. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/ScienceLabTech
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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