Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I Want to share my weight loss story. 2018 in review

Hey r/loseit fam, longtime lurker here. I wanted to share my 2018 with you guys. Gonna be a long one. Sorry, I needed to get this off my chest.

If I’m going to be honest 2018 was the worst year of my life. I have a whole list of things that made me balloon up to 259 pounds, but Losing my mom was the worst. As a person with GAD, that made it worse so I took comfort in the things I loved which was food and video games. My family was concerned for my health and weight, saying things like “I think you should lose weight” as if I didn’t know that already. After looking in the mirror I decided I wanted to make the change for myself, not anyone else. September 5th was the day i started cooking healthier meals calorie counting, IF, junk food in moderation, only eating out with friends or special occasions, cutting out soda, drinking more water, exercising when I can, etc. during the early days of December I told myself, “ I want my weight loss to total 40 pounds before the new year.” Despite the holiday water weight gain, I weighed in at 217.8 pounds. 41.8 pounds lost.

I am now a firm believer of the cliche “if I can do it, you can to.” With a goal to be under 200 and ultimately be at the 160-180 range, I am more motivated to keep on going and to see what 2019 will bring to me. Here’s to all of you, friends, family, fellow r/loseit members, 2019 will be OUR year!

submitted by /u/JonzoJall
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2F32cUD

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