Friday, January 4, 2019

Just started this last month!

Monday, December 31, 2018.

Intermittent Fasting Diet.

I will post my results first.

Start date: December 3, 2018. 209 lbs (95 kg.)

Day 28. I have lost 11 pounds, and don’t look or feel nearly as bloated as i used to.

What i did: I’m not going to go into to much detail as there are plenty of other sources on the internet that explains what Intermittent Fasting is. Started off with 12 hours eating, then 12 hours fasting and though the first week increased to 16 hours of fasting and then 8 hours of eating (Healthy! Just nota strict diet!)

Week 1.

After 5 days my wife said to me that i was losing weight. I hadn’t lost anything yet, which i told her that. Then she told me that i at least looked less bloated than i used to. For the last ten years or so I would say that I have felt bloated, even so far as i could feel pressure in my stomach when i would lean way down to tie my shoes or pull my legs onto my lap so I could tie them. However i will say I felt more bloated in the first two days of the diet, then quickly dropped off after a few days. The hunger was not all that hard to deal with in my opinion, and by the end of the week, i had found ways to keep my mind occupied until it was time to eat. There was a small headache that would start around hour 13 or so of not eating the first week.

Week two.

Other than keeping a steady schedule, i am not restarting my diet. I have eaten pizza, i have drank beer and had mixed drinks with fruit juice (only 100 percent juice, I don’t do “juice drinks.” Steady celine of a couple more pounds, and less bloating than the week before. I would like to also not that when i do eat refined sugars ike wheat (pizza, breads) and drink that my weight loss stalls, however i still feel improvements in the way i feel. I am able for the first time in years to take a full deep breath and stretch, without having to clench certain muscles to prevent getting gas pains.

Week 3.

Long time friend said i looked Buff. I laughed, and said, “I think it is because i am slightly less fat.” Though i have worked out some, I don’t see and remarkable change in my muscle tone. In 2007 I was 165 all muscle when i worked as a roofer for almost 3 years, in 2008 when i stopped, i had lost a significant amount of muscle tone, and weighed 198 pounds just after New years 2010.

Week 4.

Weighed myself on December 31, 2018, i and down 11 (5 kg) pounds to 198 (89 kg). There is still some noticeable bloating in my stomach, but the difference from when i started is black and white. Overall i am starting to feel better. Some energy has come back, and i find myself eating less without having to force myself not to. I find it is easier to drink more water and stay hydrated. It is nice also that i don’t have count calories, or spend a lot of time looking at recipes that I might want to eat. I eat what i want for the most part, i just eat less of it.

It’s worth to note that i have been improving on my diet for about 8 years also. I have eaten fast food once in about 5 years.I generally don’t eat candy, or cakes or cookies, not that I am Militant about it, it is just a bad habit i have managed to shed with time. When i first quit smoking in 2009 sugar was about all that i ate, along with a steady diet of fast food. From when I was a kid, up until i was 28 or so, I was called skinny, and told that i need to put on weight, or that i was lucky to have such a good metabolism. Since i have put on the weight it has never come off, i have lost 10 or 20 pounds here and there, but always put it back on when i stop dieting or exercising.

submitted by /u/IFinCT
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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