Sunday, January 20, 2019

On the journey to the end.

Losing weight. Dieting. Easy, isn’t it? Eat less, move more. What could be simpler?

Why then, I ask myself, if it is so uncomplicated am I, a fat bastard, sitting here obese and unfit?

Truly, as with many things in life, it is not that simple.

What we eat and why is as much to do with our state of mind as anything else. Therefore an holistic approach is needed. It certainly is in my case.

I am prone to comfort eating and drinking and over the past few of years my life has been less than wonderful however I need not go into details.

Growing up I always thought of myself as fat, big boned as my mother was wont to say, but looking back I wasn’t really. I am now. Over the years as I progressed up the corporate ladder I went from a fairly active role to desk jockey. I got comfortable. I got complacent and I got fatter. It snuck up on me while I wasn’t looking. Clothes a bit tight? Just find new ones a size bigger, problem solved.

I hit my peak about fifteen months ago at 252lbs. At that point I decided to do something and got down to 219lb. Unfortunately I got complacent again and got hit with some other life shit and slowly but surely I started drifting upwards again. From just before Christmas until now I have been at 230lb or thereabouts.

My main failing was booze. I realised that pints of beer were not doing me much good so what lower calorie alternative could I switch to? Vodka. That seemed a good alternative until it got to the point where I was drinking it neat mid afternoon and found I had turned into a fully functioning alcoholic. I watched myself with a strange detachment as my days with a hangover increased and I stuffed my face with food to try and make myself feel better. I had to get off that rollercoaster but easier said than done but I managed. Much as I enjoy getting drunk I don’t enjoy being drunk. It really doesn’t agree with me and sobriety is actually much more fun. So that’s the drinking dealt with but why didn’t the weight start to fall off? I replaced it with different carbs, notably bread. I love bread. I bake bread. It really is wonderful stuff but it is something I need to cut out.

Having the right mentality is key to life, not just dieting, and a lightbulb switched on somewhere in the darkest recesses of my mind and showed me what I need to do.

I know what triggered this.

I was at a funeral yesterday. I didn’t know the person particularly well but he was good friends with a friend of mine. The church was packed and it was a very upbeat affair with fond memories shared and much laughter.

I shall never have a funeral and I doubt I will be mourned by many. I would like to donate my body to medical science however I cannot do this if I am obese apparently.

I am about to get thinner and healthier so that I can be of some use when I am dead.

And this is my driving force. Preparing for death!

I am not planning on shuffling off my mortal coil anytime soon. I am in a pretty good place mentally and this is the key for me. If my mind is not ready to get the weight off then there would be no chance. Got about 70lbs to dispose of and looking forward to the journey.

Planning on going low carb and ensuring I drink plenty of water.

There are lots of inspiring stories here and I have derived much pleasure and hope from reading them.

Apologies for this long post, somewhat cathartic for me and probably of no use to anyone else.

If you have read this far then well done and if you are on a weight loss journey good luck to you.

TL;DR - Fat old man prepares to get fit enough to drop dead

submitted by /u/tockclock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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