Saturday, January 19, 2019

Your Best Weight Loss Affirmations or Mantras

Posts like these show up on here from time to time, and I always love reading them, so, I'll ask again for people here now:

What's your best or favorite weight loss affirmation / mantra?

There are lots that I like and use but my favorites right now are:

- What you want most over what you want now.

This one is helpful for me in terms of impulse control. I am bad at delaying gratification, but if I can outwardly remind myself that what I really want is to lose x more pounds of fat from my body, I can usually put down the donut/pasta/beer, etc.

- You don't have to do the best thing, just do something.

Perfectionism is real. I have a tendency to want to throw in the towel when I know I can't do EVERYTHING right in a day. It helps to remember that any small step is better than no step at all. So even if I can't get to the gym I can still do a 30 minute workout video at home, or if I ate an unhealthy dinner, it doesn't mean I need to eat a pint of ice cream, too.

- You can't out-exercise a bad diet.

I wish it were possible to really lose weight by just exercising (if you have bad eating habits). But, it just isn't. Helps to remind myself also that "abs are made in the kitchen"—the body I want really depends on the food I intake, and has much less to do with my exercise plan.

submitted by /u/reb123reddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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