Saturday, January 26, 2019

People who lost a lot of weight, when and how did you lose the tummy flap or is it still a struggle?

Hey all! If you have ever had that flap of skin and flab right below your belly button, were you able to lose it so you had a healthier flatter looking tummy? If so, how close to your weight loss goal were you and what did you have to do?

I’ve always been overweight, since I was a wee child, so taught, scarless skin will never be a reality for me ha. But the thing I’ve always hated about my body since childhood is that bit of tummy flab that droops over the mons pubis. Even though I don’t think it’ll ever be completely crease free, it’d be nice if it stopped getting droopier like a sad bag of water hanging off a countertop... I’ve lost 60 lb and am now 20 - 30 pounds from my goal. i’m hoping it starts lifting more the closer I get to a healthy average weight....

submitted by /u/muffin_fiend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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