Hello r/loseit! Your friendly Canadian Mod ThatCanadianGuy88 here!
January 6th 2019 marked the 3 year mark since I began my journey to a better and healthier me. January 6th 2016 I woke up looking somewhat like this,
Now I admit its not the best picture in the world but I am sure you get the basis of it. I was 480 pounds and Im sure quickly approaching 500. I used to sit around watching shows about obese people and say "Man you think they'd wake up at 500". Then suddenly I found myself in the same situation. I can't remember now all the emotions and feelings going through my head but after years of being obese (I have been 300+ since I was 14 but also 6 foot or taller) it was finally time for a change in my life. I started on my journey looking to take off 50 pounds. A friend of mine had just taken off about 75 and I figure I could do 50. So that was the goal. Getting down to a reasonable 430 (cries in stupidity).
What followed was the craziest 24 months of my life. The first 8 weeks I focused on my food and only my food. I was the notorious late night snacker. I'd often skip Breakfast and lunch and eat all my calories from 5pm on (while gaming till 2am). Now to put that in perspective. My TDEE would have been around 4500 calories at the time. I was gaining weight. So that meants in 9 hours of the day I was eating 4500 calories+. Scary when I think back on it. But I started eating 3 normal meals a day, cut the chips (my crack) and ditched the beer (my weakness). Those first 8 weeks saw me drop around 45 pounds if I remember right. I basically hit my entire goal in 2 months.
But then I had a conversation with a life long friend who owned a boot camp/personal training gym. Long story short I joined up and then my transformation really began.
All 440 pounds of me walked in on day one like this.
This was April 2016. The summer went by I was working out 4-5 days a week and eating the best I ever had in my entire life. The weeks flew by and before I knew it my birthday was here. It was the morning of September 2nd. I jump on the scale at 380 pounds. I had lost 100 pounds in 9 months.
The next 200 would take a little longer to hit and I had to wait all the way until the follow August to hit the 200 pound mark gone which is where I find myself today cocking in right around 290 (holiday bump) but I am closing back on the 200 where I've spent most of 2018.
Full time line including bonus fat clothes pic.
2018 saw me ease up a bit as my life took a lot of changes. Moving into my first house with my girlfriend and all that goes with that. Taking the family business to a new level of success. While also having to essentially reintroduce myself to my entire circle of people as far too often people would walk right by me and not realise who I was.
Im back on the path to success and have lost 7 pounds since the new year began (wooo water weight woosh). Has the adventure been easy? Not always. Despite it turning into a routine and my new normal the temptations are always there to "be bad". But through the help of this community, my GF, the gym and the countless people I have interacted with in the Reddit weight loss challenges (of which I am currently on my 9th) I have managed to develop an entire new outlook on life and make changes that I can keep with me for many years to come.
So for all of you who are part of the new year new me movement. Remember, you can be a success and you can meet your goals. You wont lose weight everyday or every week and you won't always stay at your calorie goal. Life is meant to live and have fun so don't let a calorie goal consume every minute of your day. And if you are trying to lose weight in a way that makes you miserable and upset. Stop that. You need to do things you can keep doing for the rest of your life. Find that balance and results will come. It's never as fast as we want them to. I figured I'd get down to 250 in 2018. That didn't happen. But that is OK and I now have 2019 to look forward to and get to where I want to be.
Keep up the great work so many of you have began and so many of you have been doing for months or years. I look forward to another year helping all of you as much as you help me with my own goals.
And lastly remember,
You don't need to be good everyday. You just need more good days than bad days.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Ry6eKo
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