Saturday, January 26, 2019

When should I transition to my own plan?

So background; in high school/ early college my lowest weight was 230’s. I played football and then rugby in college. My mental health deteriorated in college and I became suicidal after years of horrible depression leading up to it. Finally after 2 long and struggling years I found a doctor who understood what my mental health problem and was able to help me fix it. In those years I was suicidal I stopped taking care of my body mainly because I was fighting for my life/will to live. In college and high school even when depressed I was active enough to keep my weight steady. Now that I am back to being healthy I am trying to get back to my former weight and live a better life for my fiancée and our future life. I have accomplished the weight loss by doing OPTAVIA diet but I am starting to want to switch back to eating normally and resuming a fitness routine. I struggle knowing where I should make the switch and what method I should use to do it. Should I do a low carb/CICO or is IF a good plan. For reference I am an endomorph body type, I know my fitness routine will be a lot of weight training and cardio on a bike or elliptical. I want to not only lose my weight I gained but get back my strength. In my prime DL: 550lbs, Bench: 225lbs, Squat: 375-400lb ish. Current age is mid 20’s. SW: 440lbs ; CW: 368lbs and I’ve been doing this diet plan for 3 months. Any help appreciate and sorry for the scatter brain post.

submitted by /u/RenegadeSniperX
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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