Monday, February 18, 2019

How World of Warcraft, liquor, cannabis, and Joe Rogan helped me lose 80lbs and get my shit together.

Disclaimer: Yeah, this is a long read, but I've had a couple drinks and I want to get this stuff out there and inspire anyone if possible. Weight loss is the best thing I've ever done in my life.

Guys. If you're on the fence, I feel you. It's a lot of work and a lot of dedication to lose weight. Sometimes it's easy in life to get complacent and make excuses. The path of least resistance is comfortable. You're used to being the overweight friend. I was that guy. Until one day I had to get someone to help me stay secure in a roller coaster seat. That was embarrassing. After that, I decided I was done with being obese (6'0'' male, 265lbs). I tried a ketogenic diet, and I lost about 20 lbs. It felt good. But I couldn't stick to it. I stayed at that weight (~240 lbs) for a while. I was really fat but I wasn't enormous.

Then one day I had an epiphany. I played World of Warcraft. had some drinks, and vaped some cannabis, and did some grinding to advance my character's progress. I then realized that I did something I didn't necessarily enjoy for long term goals that I had. In a video game. The ultimate long term outcome of this grinding was inconsequential, and I realized that if I actually used this time that I didn't really enjoy on my own body, I would technically be "grinding out" my fat.

So I ran. Running was fun. It was hard. Initially I would be incredibly tired afterwards, but I liked the feeling. I was grinding IRL for actual long-term goals. But this wasn't enough. I'd run and burn off ~400 calories according to my treadmill, but I'd make up for that by eating 400+ calories to refuel. This kind of grinding wasn't going to cut it. While running helped me build up my self-esteem, the real grind was in the kitchen.

I love food. Even to this day, I'll pig out if I don't keep myself in check. So I decided to stop buying junk food, full stop. If I wanted to overeat, I'd have to overeat vegetables and meat. That stuff's filling. I made meals with frozen veggies, fresh veggies, and all the meats that I loved. No sugary treats, no packaged snacks, nothing. If I was hungry, I'd have to spend at least 10 minutes making a meal I could feast on. This really makes you re-evaluate your hunger. Then I listened to some Joe Rogan and heard about intermittent fasting. Skipping breakfast. Imagine that.

1700 calories split between two meals is 850 calories per meal. Plenty of space to eat what you like. I started skipping breakfast and only eating lunch and dinner. I still intermittent fast to this day.

Now after ~8 months, I'm intermittent fasting, I'm eating well, and I'm feeling good. I've lost around 40 lbs (220 lbs), and I want to get to my goal. So I start using MyFitnessPal to track meals. ~1800 calories per day. Log everything. I'm set.

Over the next year, I lost another 30 lbs. I'm at 190. This is where my life got amazing.

At this point, I've been on that grind for a while. It's not easy, but it's part of my day. I take pride in my abstinence from junk food. I'm able to fit into size M. I've never bought size M in my life. This was an eye-opener. I've always wanted to dress well. Now I can buy whatever I want and it mostly fits me. I recently got a great job at 23 where I'm making good money, and the world of fashion has opened up. I can spend so much money on clothing and feel great.

Guys. The drinks are kicking in biiiig time now. Keep your eyes on the prrize. GET ON THAT GRIND. TAKE PRIDE IN THE SUFFERING. at the end of it, women will love you. you will learn what flirting is (or at least I did, maybe you have better luck). You will be able to wear great clothing. expressing yourself with your wardrobe is an absolute pleasure.

Stay on that trail. DM me if you need tips or have any questions. I want to help you.

TL;DR: Get on that grind. The journey is the destination. Life is short. Carpe diem. TRACK YOUR CALORIES!

submitted by /u/beyond_alive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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