Tuesday, February 12, 2019

I had a bad week. What I learned and how I’m moving forward.

I’ve lost about 45 pounds since August 17. I started out at about 196 and I was solidly 150 about two weeks ago. I haven’t been losing much lately, but I was managing to maintain.

I had a bad week last week. I binged (like really seriously binged) 4 out of the 5 work days. I binged again yesterday. So I had 5 binges in an 8 day period. My intermittent fasting has been totally out the window lately. I’m not sure what the heck is going on with me but here are some things I’ve noticed:

  • My skin sucks when I eat crappy
  • I sweat a lot more when I eat crappy
  • My resting heart rate goes way up when I eat crappy
  • I stink a lot more when I eat crappy
  • I feel bad about myself when I eat crappy
  • I feel physically sick after bingeing (shocking, I know)

Here’s how I’m moving forward:

  • Spend 10 minutes each day checking r/loseit – I really think that this sub has been integral to my success and progress
  • Weigh in every day (didn’t this morning, but that’s okay, see next item...)
  • Forgive and forget – i.e. stop dwelling on the fact that I put on 5lbs and just move on. Accept where I am and work from here. Don’t wallow in the “what ifs” and “what should have beens.” It doesn’t matter. It’s not reality and it’s not helpful. Just move on.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes each day reviewing my goals. I have a nice spreadsheet where I track my goals and progress and reward system. I think I do a better job of staying on track when I review this daily (or at least M-F, when I’m sitting at the computer).
  • Dial back my expectations on IF – go back to 16 hours, stop shooting for 18 if it doesn’t feel manageable.
  • Dial back my expectations on my deficit – it’s okay to shoot for 1600-1700cals/day. I don’t have to be at 1400. And really, with my increased exercise lately, maybe that’s not even a good goal for me anymore.
  • Talk to my husband and friends about my struggles and how I am working to get back on track – being open with my friends and family about my weight loss has been really helpful for me.

Basically I’m trying to ease back in and re-start all my old, good habits. I think I really got “off track” over the holidays, even though I managed to maintain my loss and my IF schedule. I stopped doing a lot of things that help me stay focused, and I need to get back to those. I need to forgive myself. I need to just move on. This is when I need to rely on my discipline – my motivation is pretty well shot.


submitted by /u/nogiraffetattoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GErEzw

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