Saturday, February 2, 2019

I know it's a cliche but my weight loss has changed my life.

So today I stepped on the scale after a month and realised that I have reached past my goal weight, weighting 114 pounds! My original weight was 144 and highest was 155. Goal weight was 115. I have lost that since June of 2018. Honestly losing weight had been the best decision I have ever made. Oh I'm 5'0 btw

  1. Weight loss has made me love my body and myself Before I decide to lose weight I was heavily insecure. I hated people looking at me and I couldn't even stand looking in the mirror. I hated myself and thought I was horrid. Come to today I love everything about my body and accepted all my flaws, loving myself for what I am. I know it's weird but I am more way more confident naked and have become a bit narcissistic. I feel waay more confident and love to wear more flattering clothes.

  2. My love life has gotten better Improving my body has increased my confidence and with that dating has not been as horrid as it once was. Before I did not want to approach guys and my weight brought a horrible moodly personality which put guys off. Now I am more confident I approach guys and not afraid to flirt. I am more confident with being with someone and express myself.

  3. I feel like I can endure anything Loosing weight and managing to get through the difficult times has encouraged me to take on and try new things. I am not longer afraid to try new things and I feel like once I start anything I can carry on and endure it.

  4. Losing weight introduced me to my new love- lifting weights Since loosing weight I decided to lift weights to try and gain muscle. I found here my new love. Weightlifting is extremely therapeutic and I love every minute that I'm in the gym. Never thought I would ever say that.

So much has changed in my life since I have decided to lose weight. Although I still have much to improve on I feel like in the last 7 months I have made the most change and have become a better person. I have made so many other improvements and I just wanted to share it with everyone.

submitted by /u/alwayssunnyinlondon1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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