Friday, February 15, 2019

Is anyone else discouraged when they see other people's progress pics?

I don't mean to be negative in a sub that's so heavily geared towards body positivity, I kind of just want to know how I can change my mindset on this.

I've started dieting and working out over the last couple of weeks, hoping to ideally get rid of anywhere from 30 to 70lbs by May since I'm marching DCI this summer and really need to be in shape before spring training. Well since I'm subscribed here, Reddit clearly knows that I'm trying to lose weight so it's been recommending subs for weight loss, which is totally fine. But today I stumbled on one called r/progresspics, which is exactly what it sounds like: a place for people to post their before and after pics of them dieting.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that such a sub exists and that everyone there is so much happier with themselves now that they've lost however much weight they want to lose. I couldn't be happier for them. But as I scrolled through the sub it just got me really down and discouraged, like these people all have something I never will, be that self confidence, a body they can be proud of, or the very ability to see visible progress. It's just really hard to imagine ever having a) enough noticeable progress to be able to post a progress pic, or b) having enough self confidence for it to matter, because before I got to the weight I'm at I already had issues with how I look.

Again, I think it's wonderful that those people have achieved their goals and want to share that with the internet. I just can't help feeling anything but discouraged when I see such drastic changes in people, knowing how much time and effort and (probably) discomfort went into achieving those results. How can I change my mindset on this and turn it into something motivating, instead of something disheartening?

submitted by /u/PTMoney18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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