Saturday, February 2, 2019

Mental Health and Weight Loss

Round two of weight substantial weight loss for me here. Life isn't easy, y'all. I've faced a fair amount of adversity and I've realized, personally, there is a high correlation between my mental health and my ability to drop the weight and sustain good habits.

A little bit of background: Mom was an alcoholic, stepdad was abusive, moved in with Dad when I was 15 due to the bad situation with Mom, hit peak weight of 225 at 17. Got comfortable, things were stable with Dad, ended up losing 60 lbs and was the happiest and most carefree I had ever been. Mom's life fell apart when I was 19, I took over her mortgage while she moved across the country to get out of her abusive marriage. Dad dies 1 year later from extremely rare autoimmune disorder while I'm still in college and trying to keep my mom's shit together. I get in a relationship with an alcoholic and proceed to gain 100 pounds due to our bad habits. Would have left had I not been financially stuck. Finally sold her house last year so it was off my shoulders, graduated college, and SO sobered up (and stayed that way... we're doing great now and I couldn't be happier). I've quickly dropped 20 pounds, just by eating whole foods, no refined sugar in the house (use honey and maple syrup as sweeteners), and limiting alcohol and eating out. But I couldn't make those choices until I was in the right mindset. I've been able to undo two years of the damage in just 3 months.

So, please, don't beat yourself up. You are great. You are capable. You are more than enough. Your worth does not decrease/increase per pound you weigh (although, some individuals may act this way, I promise its not true). It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to not be ready. You will do it when you are ready. You will do it when the time is right.

r/loseit, thanks for inspiring me to lose this weight for the second time in my life. Thanks for letting me love myself and be proud regardless of my current weight. You all are the best.

submitted by /u/essemily
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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