Sunday, February 17, 2019

NSVs all up in my weekend!!

I’ve been trying really hard to focus on NSVs throughout this process because the scale can be a lying bitch sometimes, amirite?

This weekend’s NSVs have really made me proud of myself and they are:

  • Ran 5 miles (that’s the most I’ve ever run at one time! Slow and steady baby!)

  • Kept keto (my diet plan of choice) and under calories all weekend despite being back home with Mrs. Food, aka my mother

  • On that same note, keto recipe surfed the net with my mom who is very hesitant and critical of any diet I try so that was so nice to see her accepting and helping me ❤️

  • Went closet shopping! Found tons of “new” clothes that fit including PANTS A SIZE SMALLER WHAT it takes me so long to drop pants sizes!!

  • Found more goal clothing that I wore at my lowest weight, and some goal clothing from WHEN I was at my lowest weight (which is about 10 lbs away from now and 15 lbs higher than my real goal) so now I have multiple pieces to check my fit with and aspire to wear again

What’s working for me is a concrete challenge, actually two: I’m doing a weight loss challenge at work, on a team of three and we get prizes if we win so I really want to help my team win! We meet every week, share our challenges and support each other in our victories, work out together sometimes, share recipes and cool products and generally just check in on each other. It helps so much to be able to vent sometimes and know that someone else is going through the same mental hurdles as you are (you guys are all so great for that too!)

The other is an 8k that I’m running at the end of March. That’s 5 miles, more than I’ve ever run before, only ever done a 5k before, but after my practice run yesterday I know I can nail it! The run (shamrock shuffle in Chicago) has a training program they designed available on their website for 8 weeks of gradually building endurance and speed. I’ve been following it, plugging those workouts in my calendar so I have a reminder every day of what I need to do, and I get myself through about 80% of the training each week (which is basically incredible considering how little I enjoy exercise). It’s not perfect but I know I’m going to be a hell of a lot more prepared for that run than I was Jan 1, and I’m only helping myself lose weight and I have guidance on what to do so I don’t have to think too much about it.

Thanks for reading this far! It’s taken so long to start losing and it just goes to show that all you have to do is just stick to your plans, do everything you possibly can, and things will change for the better in the long run.

submitted by /u/novanugs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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