Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Our weight loss journey is being shown on TV tonight - thank you /r/loseit!

Long time lurker - but just wanted to say a huge thank you to this sub for helping me over the past two years without knowing it. I don't post very often but I frequently browse and the help I've got from this place has been fantastic.

So, from May 2017-18 my husband /u/ahrimaniac and I took part in a British TV show called 'This Time Next Year' and the episode we're on is being shown tonight! (8pm, ITV1) They've released the 'before' section as a promo which you can see here if you'd like to watch.

The premise of the show is you make a 'pledge' to achieve over the year - weight loss, will learn to drive, will find my long-lost sister, learn to read and write, etc. You have a short interview with the presenter and then leave the stage through a door, and 'reemerge' a few seconds later. Of course, both ends are filmed a year apart and stitched together so the 'transformation' seems instant. It's hard to explain but it looks really cool! So anyway, our pledge was to lose 280lb between us over the year. We can't wait to see it!

So a huge thank you to everyone in this sub, you really have helped us immeasurably, especially when we've fallen off the wagon and finding it hard to get back on. We hope now that we can help inspire others as you have inspired us!

submitted by /u/cubbish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2DSEetk

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