Sunday, February 17, 2019

Treadmill Shower Shark Tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates?

Hello! How’s it going? Just checking in with my favorite running and eating from this weekend! What are you up to?

First… Running!

run eat repeat weekend running and eating 15 mile run (640x480)

I actually/finally/happily/slowly did a long run. It’s been raining A LOT which has put a damper (literally) on my running. I don’t mind running in the rain, but I don’t like being cold.

Can I run in warm rain? I would kinda love to run in a treadmill shower actually! The treadmill belt would have to be a non-slip material so I don’t fall though.

running in the shower

I need to think this idea out more before I go on Shark Tank, but I think I’m onto something…

shark tank[3]


It didn’t rain on Saturday and I ran 15 miles. I took a lot of walk breaks to switch up my podcast and text people so it was slow – but I did it. And I needed that – just knowing I can still run 15 miles and feel fine (and probably even keep going) makes me feel more confident.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating 5 (432x576)

After all that running I ran completed a few errands, got ready and headed to my parents’ to celebrate my mom’s birthday. We ordered in Chinese food and had a lil family game night.

I got my niece the Headbandz game for Christmas and finally got to play it with her! I just knew she’d be super fun and cute playing it. My brother said I suck at giving clues for a 5 year old. But I didn’t want to make them too obvious! I wanted to take my time (just like with my run) and enjoy it. We had fun. Plus we had cake! What more could ya want??

run eat repeat weekend running and eating 2 (432x576)


run eat repeat weekend running and eating choc cake (640x480)


run eat repeat weekend running and eating chinese food (432x576)

Diego was invited to the party… but slept through most of it.

He’s wearing a Chewbacca harness thing that I found on Clearance at the pet store. He barely fit into it when I bought it and it’s already too small!! Note – that was a week ago. He grew out of it in ONE WEEK. This pup is growing like crazy!! It’s tooooo fast!!

run eat repeat weekend running and eating sleepy puppy (640x480)

chewie puppy star wars

Now let’s talk about my life. In case you’re new here – this is where ‘RER’ gets random and pivots from running & eating to more random redheaded Mexican life updates. I really love writing about the randomness. It feels like a cross between writing in a journal and talking to a therapist with a touch of rambling voicemail no one will ever actually listen to… ya know? But you’re obviously still reading so someone is listening!! Thanks!

If you have things you’d like to share please consider one of the following:

1. Get a therapist or a running buddy. (They’re basically the same thing.)

2. Write it in a journal, in a letter to someone or on your blog!

3. Share in the comments below. I’m down to hear your stories.

4. Go to a bar and tell the bartender or a stranger. I feel like they do that in movies – but does anyone do that in real life??

Tell me if you do that one!

girl in a bar

So these are the out of order updates on my life right now…

A. I’m house-sitting for a friend while they’re traveling this month. He made me Blue Apron and we went over everything I need to know the other night. I actually looked up a few forms on Pinterest to make sure I had all the house-sitting basics down and I think we’re good to go.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating blue apron dinner (432x576)

He has an orange tree and an avocado tree and it’s really giving a ton of happiness (aka future guacamole)!! Wow!!

run eat repeat weekend running and eating 4 (640x480)

B. Diego has a friend for a lil bit.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating my valentine (432x576)

C. I had a Valentine’s Day lunch date.

Does that count as a Valentine’s date? A lunch date?? I don’t know, it was a rainy Wednesday and last minute.

Let’s add it up:

– It was lunch.

+ We had alcohol.

– I ordered GARLIC bread.

– I needed a favor, which was the reason for hanging out.

+ He wore cologne.

– He always wears cologne.

Final tally: I don’t care either way! I got distracted thinking about the pizza again…

run eat repeat weekend running and eating pizza press orange county (432x576)

ordering food


I’m good at ordering food. If you and I eat together we should share and if you’re stuck between a few items – let me chime in.

Or even if we’re not eating together… if you’re out to eat and can’t decide what to get – text me and let me decide.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating pizza press (432x576)

D. I bought myself chocolate covered strawberries the day after Valentine’s day. I don’t count a food as dessert unless it has chocolate. But this is 80% strawberry / 20% chocolate so I think it only counts as half a dessert.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating choc covered strawberries (432x576)

eating cake

E. Since it’s soooooo cold (to me at least) I’ve been snuggled up with  my tea at all times. And this lil message from the tea bag made me smile. I want to pass it on:

May this day be the day to lead us to peace, to happiness and to joy.

run eat repeat weekend running and eating peace (432x576)

Love ya! Have a good one.

Question: Do you like lunch dates? When was the last time you had a lunch date??












The post Treadmill Shower Shark Tank and Are Lunch Dates… dates? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

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