Sunday, March 10, 2019

270 to 187, ongoing process that taught me a LOT about myself

I've been commenting here and there but I feel like sharing my progress with you guys as well so I hope it cheers somebody to keep on going as well :)

Long post coming, sorry not so sorry ;)

TL;DR : Had shit habits, shook myself, shed some weight and I intend to keep on going!

Pics: face progress from heaviest to now and body shot from 240 to now. I have so few full body shots of me at my heaviest and it's hard to look at them to be honest...

So, as many of r/loseit subscribers, I've turned to food as a comfort on many, many occasions. It's an amazing instant gratification, chocolate of all things is my poison. I swear I can't have any around because I INHALE the thing so fast. I'd been putting on weight since 5th grade, steady and slow and even though I was training as a teen (swimming 4 nights a week 2hrs per training and competing as well), I was chubby to say the least. I remember weighing around 180 lbs when I was 17. I yo-yoed up and down (mostly up) until I peaked at 270 lbs. By that time, I was now 25, in university, unhappy and even though I was definitely loved by people around me, I didn't love myself. I always told myself that I'd make a "real" attempt at getting back in shape when I'd be done with my bachelors but that I didn't have time right now.

Of course, when I finished school, nothing changed much. I was going to the gym a couple times a week but made no real change to my eating habits and I was drinking quite regularly. I was still unhappy with myself but managed to get my weight down to 240 lbs. A friend of mine went into a training program with a coach and it was truly inspiring to see how dedicated she was but boy, was her program strict. No alcohol, weighed portions, training 5x/week, how could I ever do such a thing?! Little did I know that I'd end up messaging her coach about a year later to do the same program she did.

It pretty much changed my life because I learned SO MUCH. Not only on nutrition and training but on myself as well. All the time I spent in the gym raging at how I could've let myself get to that point and it made me think. I took time to understand WHY I was binging and to develop new habits that would help me control anxiety better than turning to sugar (and feel shittier in the end). And I can't stress enough how much my friends were a big help when training. They were extremely respectful, cheered me when I was sore AF and even considering places to eat out that my coach approved. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months. That is HUGE and while I have no regrets, it took me a while to adjust to the weight loss and feel like this new body was mine. Had a little shock when I noticed my fingers were thinner.

I then kinda said "fuck it, I'll live a little" and put on some weight again. Not dramatic, 7 lbs but that did make me not able to fit in some pants anymore. Back to training it was. I've been at it since November and I regret nothing. I'm trying to figure a good balance between food, exercise and rest. I'm not there yet but I've made progress and I couldn't be happier:

  • I've started running and my time for a 5k is now 5 mins faster (45 to 40 mins)
  • People have been noticing the loss (colleagues and even my boyfriend said it's now quite obvious)
  • I'm now down 20lbs (187 this morning) and if I believe how the Libra app calculates my weight loss, I won't be obese anymore soon and I should hit my goal weight in late august.
  • No more anxiety attacks

The downside is:

  • I do have knee pain and I need to keep on exercising as the physio recommends (and let's be honest, I don't always feel like it)
  • I have a hard time not comparing myself to others and to accept that my weight loss won't be as fast as when I had my coach following me
  • Talking about rapid weight loss, I have quite the overhanging sack of belly skin. I absolutely hate it but it's part of the deal and when I'm satisfied with my weight, I'll maintain and look into surgery to get it fixed

So, that's my progress so far. It's not an easy journey but I'd never go back

submitted by /u/MmeManue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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