Friday, March 22, 2019

279 to 250 by June 7?

So here's the deal, my gf booked us an awesome kayaking trip for my birthday this summer - but there is a catch. In order to be cleared to ride with the group (it's a guided tour thing) you have to be under 250 lbs. At first I was bummed, but quickly shifted my thinking to viewing it as an awesome motivator - I've never really had a honest-to-goodness deadline for losing a certain amount of weight before and I am hoping it will give me the kick in the butt I need to get heading in the right direction.

My question for the sub is this: 29 lbs weight loss in roughly 11 weeks...that is reasonable, right?

Anything in particular I should be careful about or keep in mind during this process?

I plan on restructuring my diet and tracking via MFP, along with daily walks and hikes on the weekend.

TIA for any help or encouragement you can send my way - you guys are awesome!

submitted by /u/mcarr093
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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