Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Can I lose weight just by cutting out junk food?

Female / 26yrs / 5ft 6in / 144lb

Let me start by saying I'm not overweight, but I'd like to lose around 5-10lb just to feel better about myself as my weight has slowly crept up over the last 5 years.

Generally I eat OK, I have quite a varied diet and I do a lot of walking (30mins every day during the week and 60mins on Saturday and Sunday).

My issue is TAKEAWAYS. I order at least 2 takeaways a week and I'm not just talking picking up a Big Mac meal on the way home, I mean I'll order a greasy deep pan pepperoni pizza AND a portion of chips and I'll eat the entire meal to myself (gal likes her food...). It's not always pizza, sometimes it's fried chicken or Indian but my point is I'll eat way more than what's needed and of course it's all deep fried junk food.

So if I just cut out my 2+ takeaways a week, will I see a slow weight loss over time? (I've been eating this way for years)

Like I said I'm pretty active and don't NEED to lose the weight as such and I don't want to do anything too drastic.

It's also worth mentioning my diet is pretty balanced otherwise, I'm not super healthy every day but eat mainly wholegrains and don't really have any sugar or processed foods. I don't binge other than when I have a takeaway.

submitted by /u/ScaredWolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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