Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Plateaued and CICO not working?

Hi everyone! I want to thank you all for being such a positive and supportive community. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Female, 27, 5’7”, SW: 220, CW: 198, GW: <180.

I am hoping to learn from anyone who has experience with hitting a plateau in weight loss through CICO. In January, I had a magical period of rapid loss due to a trifecta combination of starting meds for hypothyroidism (which addressed a lot of symptoms that were making me feel horrible), Whole30, and an intensive 3-times a week boot camp. Now, I am hoping to continue losing but at a slower pace through moderate exercise and CICO. I’ve been rock climbing twice a week for about 1.5 hours and doing either yoga, Zumba, or running another hour a week. I’m moving at least 7k steps a day as well. Based on my logs in MyFitnessPal, I’m eating around 1600 calories a day, which is supposedly my BMR. And these are high quality calories of veggies, chicken/pork, fruit, nuts, small servings of whole grains, and no alcohol or processed snacks. I’m really trying to implement the fitness ideas I’m learning everywhere!

For the past 3 weeks, I haven’t seen any movement on the scale. Plenty of NSV with clothes and climbing achievements, but I really would like to see progress in reaching my goal weight by losing around a pound a week. :/

Anyone have a similar experience who found a way over the plateau? What am I missing here? Thank you in advance for any help!

submitted by /u/8991_n
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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