Sunday, March 10, 2019

Got engaged yesterday... and feeling grateful that I’m already on this weight loss adventure with r/loseit

Last summer, I felt like I no longer recognized the person in the mirror. It was a bizarre and jarring feeling that caused a lot of sadness and anger. While internetting around trying to figure out wtf to do, I stumbled upon this sub and a weight loss challenge. Despite feeling pretty anti calorie counting, I gave it a whirl, and to my complete shock had success.

Reducing the daunting task of somehow getting back to the active, happy, fit gal I once was to simple math was surprisingly liberating. I thought CICO and tracking would be restrictive, but instead I felt like I finally understood basic rules of health. The weight slowly but surely came off- way slower than what I expected, but consistently, through a lot of travel, stress, and a move.

I’m over halfway to GW. The best part is I know how to get there, and that I can get there.

Yesterday I got an awesome kick in the pants to keep going: my partner of almost 10 years proposed (over cheat day pizza, no less!!)

I’m so happy to already be working towards my goals, and will forever be grateful to r/loseit for the inspiration and support! ❤️

TLDR: CICO works, r/loseit rocks, pizzaprosal

submitted by /u/fiddleswaffles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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