Thursday, March 21, 2019

Here are 185 (updated!) pages of notes that I've taken after reading 5 prominent books, watching 140+ videos, and researching the work coming from some of the biggest names in the fitness/ weightlifting industry. Summaries, data, and reflections included.

Omnibus Document: Weightlifting/ Bodybuilding Notes

Link to newly minted PDF version of the Omnibus (as of 03-21-19) document since I opened it on mobile and it made my soul die a little bit

Quick Introduction:

Hi, again, everyone! I figured that I would update my document post here since I’ve added quite a bit to my original notes. I hope that some of it comes of use to someone here.

I want to make it clear from the outset that this post was inspired, to a large extent, by the post from /u/LawBobLawLoblaw from 10 months ago on /r/weightroom, as well as another now [deleted] account on that same sub that took some notes that got me started down this rabbit hole.

That being said, I did take a slightly different approach from /u/LawBobLawLoblaw when it came to choosing my subjects of research - I mostly went with those individuals or groups that I believed best suited my research due to their renown, notoriety within the community, unique perspectives, personalities (to some extent or another), and their overall results that they have achieved throughout their body of work (literally and metaphorically). They are, in order of the summaries that I have written:

  • Dr Mike Israetel/ Juggernaut Training Systems
  • Jeff Nippard
  • Mark Rippetoe/ Starting Strength
  • Tyler English
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Dr. Brad Schoenfeld
  • Dr. Ben Pollack
  • Athlean-X/ Jeff Cavaliere

Newly Added Sections:
- Alan Aragon
- Dr. Austin Baraki
- Dr. Eric Helms
- Greg Nuckols
- James Krieger
- Jim Stoppani
- Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum
- Dr. Layne Norton
- Barbell Medicine Podcast

From that group, I have watched and - again, found in this live document - summarized over 100+ YouTube videos, read five books totaling over 1900 pages, and read 50+ articles all regarding the topics of bodybuilding (natty and juicy), powerlifting, weight loss/ gain, powerbuilding, strength, and hypertrophy. In the document, I've provided links or reference to the material being summarized/ reflected on.

The Tools:

The slightly modified TDEE/ body weight/ body fat/ measurement tracking document that I personally use

The modified PHAT program that I'm currently running using Dr. Ben Pollack’s Unfuck Your Programming periodization schema for strength building

New modified PHAT program for hypertrophy, specifically, based on research TL;DR totals

New modified PHAT program using block periodization for a single macrocycle - 19 Weeks - across hypertrophy -> strength -> power, including deloads - still a rough copy, currently under construction

Unfuck Your Program tool spreadsheet created by Dr. Ben Pollack

INOL Heat Map: For Reps x Intensity Measurements

My YouTube playlist of videos used for research during the making of this document

New Updates and Edits:

  1. I completed some basic editing involved in the formatting of the document at hopefully made it a bit more readable, added 70 pages worth of content summaries, read another book, and added a new TL;DR summary of the whole document at the start.
  2. I have also worked on curating the YouTube playlist of videos more accurately/ sensibly as it was previously a bit of a mess as I was developing my materials.
  3. I’m also including a newer modified version of PHAT using the volume and intensity metrics given in the TL;DR section of my document - I figured it didn’t make much sense to state what is considered best and then not use it to build programming.
  4. Finally, I am including a 19 week modified PHAT program that I’ve been messing around with that includes block periodization, new volume/ intensity numbers, and deloads.

This is an ongoing project, as it's something that I like to do in my free time to help organize my thoughts. Hopefully it comes in use for you - most of it is likely stuff a lot of you already know, but maybe for someone it will help guide their process into the sport.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or need clarification on anything, or have some sort of productive criticism. A lot of this was written the way I tend to process information - stream of thought - so some of it may have been lost in translation. I also would gladly accept suggestions on new content to look into, though I am leaning away from podcasts as they don’t tend to keep my attention for very long.

Thanks, y'all! - /u/ShouldBeWorking3

submitted by /u/ShouldBeWorking3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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