Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thank you, loseit!

I debated a while before posting this as my story isn't one of great transformation, I didn't lose hundreds of pounds, and it wasn't a life changing weight loss for me. But it was one that I talked about for a long time. It was one that I always going to start tomorrow. It was something that i wanted to do, but didn't have the motivation to make the commitment. Until I found r/loseit. Reading all of the success stories of people that had to work so hard to meet their goals and reading about the sense of pride that you all felt inspired me.

Unlike a lot of the success stories posted here, I was not overweight as a child. In fact, I was one of those kids that could never put on enough weight. I was also very active as a child and teenager, so I burned through every calorie I ate and then some. I ran cross country and track at a decent level - Then adulthood and real life hit.

I continued to eat the same junk and quantity that younger me ate. Runners in their teens and early 20s can eat pretty much ehatever they want and get away with it. Yes, better fuel equals better performance, but I loved my taco bell (maybe that's why I never got to that "next level") Anyhow, when I put on the first 10 pounds, people said I looked better since I no longer looked emaciated. Then I put on another 10. Then another. Then another. Then another. Suddenly I'm almost 50 lbs more than my race weight.

By this time, I didn't like who I saw in the mirror. I had always been fit. Now I wasn't. I "wanted" to change, but not enough to actually do it. On top of this, years about a obsessing about my weight had probably created some unhealthy body image issues of myself. I saw myself as fat no matter what I weighed, and now that I actually was overweight it ate at me constantly. Every new year, birthday, etc I made the same empty promises that so many do. I threatened to eat better, workout, and lose the weight. Maybe even run again! But I never did.

Then I took a trip to the doctor after a stupid injury while drinking with some friends. The injury was minor, but it turns out my poor choices had led to some high blood pressure. I was shocked! This can't happen to me... I'm a runner! I'm in great cardio vascular fitness!! Except I wasn't and hadn't been in forever. I had been lying to myself for a while.

I found r/loseit right about this time. I read inspirational story after inspirational story. Between that and the doctor's message, I finally started doing something for real. I attacked my weight loss like I used to attack training for a big race. CICO religiously, and I actually started running again. And this time it stuck. Not only was I eating less calories, but I was also making healthier food choices.

I set my weight goal at 15 lbs over my old race weight, which was 38 lbs less than I was that day at the doctor. Fast forward to 20 minutes ago. I stepped on the scale and saw that magic number. I looked in the mirror and like what I saw for the first time in a while. I wasn't overweight and I wasn't emaciated. And I'm confident I've not just lost the weight, but got back into a healthy lifestyle that can maintain it. The blood pressure isn't back to normal yet (still on medication for it) but I've been able to decrease the dosage, with my doctor's care of course.

I post this because I don't think I could have done it without this community. I read the stories every day of people that have to make bigger and more important changes than me. And you all do it. It motivates me. "u/random_user did it today, so can I!" Your support for one another is so cool to see, especially with all the trolls around the interwebs. So even though I rarely post here, you all made a difference for me... you all made THE difference for me. So thank you. Thank you. You all rock.

TL/DR: I was overweight but didn't have the motivation to change until I found r/loseit. Today, I finally hit my weight loss goal thanks to ALL OF YOU. I can't wait to support all of you as I work to maintain.

submitted by /u/taumbu30
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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