Monday, March 25, 2019

I don't handle setbacks well

Weight loss is easy if you have a nearby gym, endless supply of healthy food, and unlimited time. But life does not work that way. Things get in the way. Sad things like a recent fall out, stress, or a family passing, and happy things like a birthday, wedding, or just random celebration.

I have been doing well up until now. A month ago I had a major inconvinence that set me back a week. A month later, and I am still struggling to get back into the groove. So far I have been relapsing badly by poorly eating and missing my exercises. Today, I did exercised but overate. Yesterday, I ate within my caloric limit but did not exercise. For every bad day there is a good day and vice versa and I feel like I am no longer going anywhere. Actually, probably backwards. I am struggling to go back to my normal pace and it freaks me out that only one week of nearly 2 years can throw me off. It makes me wonder if I will EVER be able to reach my goal weight, let alone sustain it. What if I encounter life changing things like marriage? A lawsuit? Pregnancy? Will I really be able to handle it and keep my weight in check?

I hate how out of control I am. I keep trying to jump back into it but now it seems like for every one step forward, I am going 2 steps back. How do you all get back on the horse after falling off? Anyone can relate? I appreciate any help.

submitted by /u/positiveflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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