Friday, March 22, 2019

It finally happened. After a 7 year journey I am officially a HEALTHY weight!

It has actually happened. Something which I never thought would, I am officially at a healthy BMI!!!.

My weight loss journey started a good 7 years ago when at 15st plus (it took me a little while to pluck up the courage to weigh myself so I definitely was higher than that). It was an incredibly low time in my life and at 5ft 2 (female) I was very obese. Then one day my body decided it didn’t want to tolerate gluten any more and my weight loss journey began.

Because of the intolerance I was forced to look at everything I was eating. It was not a pretty sight. This made me evaluate everything and I decided enough was enough I was going to get healthy. I downloaded the couch to 5k app and MFP and for a year I didn’t look back. I went from literally struggling to jog for 30 seconds to running 5k everyday for 50 days. I managed to get to touching distance of my healthy BMI but fell pregnant with a few lbs to go.

I actually did ok whilst being pregnant and didn’t gain much additional weight but the wheels came off after my son was born. I found the first 6 months very very tough and I put on probably 1.5 to 2 stone and then fell pregnant again. It wasn’t until 1 year ago I decided I needed to get back with it.

I joined a gym and set myself a challenge to run a half marathon last year. I managed to lose 1 stone but it wasn’t until I started counting my calories again that everything fell back into place and I can honestly say I am the happiest I have ever been. I am doing a good variety of classes which I enjoy and put myself out there to make friends with people at the gym. I am not cutting out food just trying to not eat in excess and I am now 9st 8lbs and do not think my journey is over.

It’s taken a long time and I honestly thought I would never get here but I am bloody happy I am!!! Never give up!

submitted by /u/MrsLeb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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