Friday, March 8, 2019

Lost 33 Pounds, But New Struggles Breaking Me.

Hey all! I hope you guys can help or maybe motivate me a little.

5'4" or 5'5", 117 lbs, 24 YO Female.

I will try to not go into too much detail on my weight loss journey, but I started having some digestion issues about 2 years ago when I was smoking, drinking and binge eating. When my doctor said she wasn't exactly sure, something about IBS and "didn't think it would be worth testing", I figured I should straighten up and do what I can to help my body. I stopped smoking, cleaned up my diet and started to exercise. Since then, I have lost 33 pounds, but now that I am down to my last few pounds, I am struggling.

The LoseIt! App states I should be losing 2 pounds a week on my current diet plan, but I'm hardly budging. I was on a different plan, but after about 2 or 3 months of my weight not moving, I have restricted myself more than I wanted. I am eating about 890 calories a day.

I found most breads and pasta irritate my digestion, SO I thought keto might be good for me. I do feel very sluggish and sleepy after eating bread and was feeling really good after eliminating these. I followed keto for about 2 months, but after having issues with light headedness when standing, I'm upping my carbs and trying to watch my sodium. My current macros are (at least) 60 grams of protein, 30 grams carbs and free willy on my fats. I log everything I eat and have been for 2 years. I mean, I even log .1 ounce of lettuce if I eat it. I have been dedicated, guys. I weigh my food on a scale and have verified my scale is working by double checking it on 2 other scales regularly. I eat as healthy as I can, using my calories on low carb vegetables and proteins like chicken, nuts, fish and eggs.

According to Fitbit, I average about 400 minutes of activity a week, burning about 2,100 calories a day. These last two weeks, I have been walking more, getting about 6-7 miles in a day, but I am so sore lately. I don't know if I can do it.

I feel like with this kind of caloric deficit, I should still be seeing some results. I am comfortable at this calorie limit and don't feel hungry, sometimes I eat more when I earn a Fitbit adjustment, but never over. I only aim to lose a few more pounds to get a flat stomach, but I haven't lost a pound these last few weeks and I am exhausted.

What is wrong with me? Is it just not possible to get where I want unless I drop my calories even more? Maybe a flat stomach just isn't possible for me? Do I need to give it more time? I just don't have the energy to cut much more and want to ensure I don't form any unhealthy habits.

TL;DR 5'5", 117 lbs female. No longer losing weight even though eating only 890 calories a day, logging every calorie, exercising regularly and burning on average 2,100 calories a day. Am I broken or do I need to lower my calories even more than I thought necessary to achieve a flat stomach?

(Edited for grammar and typos).

submitted by /u/trcream
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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