Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Major life changes - How did you handle it?

Hi everyone! Longtime lurker of this sub though I do post in others. I love every single one of you. You are all very inspiring and I love seeing new posts every day. Keep up the good fight!

tl;dr Have you experienced any major life changes and how did you handle it during your weight loss journey - for better or worse?


Okay, now for the story!

As a preface: I've always been comfortable with myself. Even at my highest weight I've never found myself in a position where I hated myself, loathed how I looked in the mirror, etc. But after some health problems started to arise, I took my weight by the buttered up horns and started beating it down. Looking back - yikes, how did it ever get that bad? I'm proud of myself for who I've become today - both physically and mentally - but I do have a long way to go.

On that journey, I accepted that food is what makes me happy. Restricting myself away from what I loved only lead to failure. Since starting CICO last summer, I've learned to balance enjoying good food with moderation. It's been the only successful "diet" I've ever done. Who knew you could actually enjoy whatever you want, as long as you don't overdo it? What a concept! 👀 I'm now down to my college weight. Soon: my high school weight!

So, here's what happened. Quite possibly my biggest, coolest, and most anticipated life change to date: My husband and I bought a house! So far, every single day for the last month has been 100% focused on the house. Day after day of relays between apartment and house, packing, unpacking, stressing, calling utilities, maintenance, and excited friends and family asking if we needed anything. We are finally moved in, and we're starting to settle and get life back to normal, and it's so much excitement, new discoveries, and lots of spent money (haha).

But that entire time, I didn't have a single ounce of energy to focus on meal prep, or calories, or anything. It's understandable given I was living in 2 places. Once I got my fridge, I was ecstatic to begin cooking in my brand new kitchen... but dang if I had the time. The very idea of weighing ingredients and planning good food was just so.. exhausting.

I had a bit of a wake up call the other day, halfway into a box of cookies sitting at my desk. It was weird. Just a brief moment of clarity: I was eating because it was something I knew. In a house I didn't recognize, with furniture I've never owned before, and different bills and a new commute and new neighbors and everything being so different - the taste of thin mints, or jasmine white rice from our rice cooker, or starbucks drinks - those were things that felt "right", things that were familiar. Needless to say I put the box away. Come on, I can do better than that!

Ah, but what an exciting time this is. I'm enjoying every minute. We had some friends from New Orleans swing by this weekend to celebrate and brought a HUGE king cake with them. How can you say no to that??

But it's true what they say - it really is a slippery slope. But I'm not stressing over it. I haven't even stepped on the scale. I count my blessings to be fortunate enough to be able to not worry about my weight while I focus on the house and getting my life back to a new "normal". I know not everyone can do that. I am definitely overweight, and I definitely have weight to lose. And I will lose it. But at this moment, I'm trying to take care of myself the best I can.

I'm getting better. Every day I do a little more to get back on track. I'm counting the little improvements. For example, this Sunday I successfully weighed out and prepped lunches for Mon/Tues, and I ate them and was happy. That's one meal under control! I have some homemade ramen broth in the fridge to cook tonight... no, I didn't weigh anything out so I can't really count it right, but some heartwarming homemade ramen on this cold Texas night helps the soul! And another micro win: I did NOT buy a box of cookies today! WOO HOO

Please share your stories of major life changes and how you've coped with them. In the end, did you manage to succeed in your weight loss goals? How long did it take to get back on track?

Have a great day everyone and thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/TheBananashan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Usfmi1

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