Sunday, March 3, 2019

NSV - I think I’m breaking ground in kicking my sugar addiction

So, basically my story is a common one. Last year I lost 50 lbs out of 100 on strict keto, calorie counting, and intermittent fasting. I dropped off early because I hated how controlled it was and I hated not being able to be “normal” like my thin friends and needing a special diet.

Predictably, I gained it all back. So about 2 months ago I had a break through:

My boyfriend is a flight attendant and he steals plane nips and gives a bunch to me. I left them on a shelf (about 15 of them) and they had collected dust after like 2 weeks. Well, I was cleaning one day and I thought to myself, “Man, imagine being an alcoholic? Those people wouldn’t be able to let these just gather dust like this.” And then it hit me — I’m f***ing addicted to sugar.

I wouldn’t be able to let a cake or pie sit and gather dust like my friends would. And thinking back, this really is my downfall. I don’t eat often and I don’t eat a lot, but when I do eat, I choose these fatty, sugary meals that can easily gather 1,000-2,000 calories in a sitting.

With my last diet run, I was able to get in the habit of liking coffee with just cream, instead of a crap ton of sugar. Now, I can’t have coffee with any sugar since it’s gross to me now. So, I figured I would just get in the habit of not having sugar for everything else (and being able to eat sugary things without going on a rampage) and then the weight loss will follow.

Well, I am proud to say that two months later a pack of muddy buddies and a bottle of soda had gone bad in my car after 2 weeks. I was able to look at these and go “meh” for two whole weeks and I’m very proud because for most of my life I impulsively finished food and ate even more.

I’ve lost about 15 pounds so far which is good, but I’m not really concerned with the numbers until I can nail down these habits. Once I’ve established eating healthy without feeling unusual or constrained I will start making more changes to further my weight loss.

And I feel so much better. I used to have nausea problems and headaches, but after switching how I ate I just feel so much better, and that’s what’s driving me now. Having a few bites of something sugary now triggers my satiety and I’m able to put it down, knowing that it’s not really good and will only make me sick and miserable if I continued further.

I’ll add that I’m a student that works full time, and eating healthy and wholesomely has impacted me there too. I feel clearer, more energized, and I sleep and wake up easier as well. It’s really really nice.

Addressing your eating habits as a form of addiction and impulse really really helps, and I hope this helps someone too!

submitted by /u/alkalineburnstoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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