Sunday, March 24, 2019

Starting new tomorrow

So for starters I've been a fat fuck my whole life. Literally, I was born at like 10.5 pounds. I am now 19 and weigh 325(or so, I'm not sure.) I never really knew how to eat properly, and would often eat a sleeve of cookies in a night. My parents could cook some basic stuff, but it was all full of butter, cheese, and other fattening foods. I always knew I wasn't supposed to be so fat but never really cared to fix it. When I got to high school I justified it because I was on the football team and played defensive line. The 2 years I didn't play I justified it because I did a singular power lifting meet every year and the top guys are all fat so maybe it helps. When I got to college, I justified it by saying that the gym was always too crowded and the dining halls weren't too healthy. I ended up leaving college after a semester because I hated it. I realized I can no longer justify it because I don't play sports, I don't power lift anymore, and I can buy my own food and go to my own gym. I made the decision to commit after someone linked this sub in a thread I was reading. I read through some of the top and hot posts and felt like I could do it. I finally wanted to lose weight and get healthy.

I decided to sign up for the gym and will start tomorrow. Like I said I have power lifted in the past so I can do those workouts, but that's definitely different than working out for weight loss. The diet I followed for power lifting was also roughly equivalent to eating as much Chipotle as I wanted. I decided that I would try to bring what I know to these new workouts, but change things up as well. At the bottom of the post I have linked a Google sheet with my plan for both workouts and diet on it if anyone would care to comment on those. As for dieting, that is something I haven't really done. I have tried before, but they never stuck. I'm going for something simple and just eating around 1400-1500 calories a day and not focusing too too much on macros, at least for now. (In the google sheet, it doesn't account for a mid-day snack of yogurt or fruit and a post gym snack of a protein bar or something similar.)

This is just a little post to document the start of what I hope is a successful journey to a new life of medium shirts and access to stylish pants.

Google Sheet, feel free to review and comment if you want to.

submitted by /u/waffleking_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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