Monday, March 25, 2019

SV: 50 Pounds down in a year! Slow and steady helped me win my race.

Hi all!

First of all, you're all wonderful. No matter where you are in your journey, you're on it, and that's all that matters! This morning I woke up, and saw that mythical number on the scale that I've been chasing for a year now. My university weight. I'm down 50 pounds, and it's taken me about a year. I wasn't elated or celebrating, it just felt like another morning. The changes I've made in my life have been so small, and simple that I've been living my goal weight happiness for the past few months even though the scale wasn't quite there yet! I've been extremely energetic, so much more confident, feeling really GREAT! The number on the scale now seems a bit moot, and I wanted to share.

Last March I decided to start by making some small changes, I started bringing my own lunch to work and not indulging in fast food. I lost 10 pounds immediately and realized how badly I had been eating. I started to count calories, and found it increasingly difficult to stay to 1500 cals a day, so I decided to take the summer off and maintain my then 15 pound weight loss. I focused on making better decisions, salad instead of fries, walk more places when I can, say YES! to physical and fun things, and in September when I picked back up where I had left off I had lost ~5 more pounds. That blew my mind since it has felt natural, easy, didn't disrupt my life, and I threw myself back into it. I've lost the last 30 from September to now, with lazy CICO about ~1250 cals a day, and a maintenance day every week to "indulge" without the guilt. I started playing hockey, and recently started gym work outs, and work physical fun things into my week, so most days I'm active - even if it's just at home yoga.

I've made so many small changes over the past year that have added up so quickly that I barely noticed. I can't believe I actually did it this time! My life is completely different.

If you have 10-100 pounds to lose, just know that there is no one way to do things. Slow, fast, work outs, no work outs, 1200 cals a day or just a small deficit, find what works for you and your life. The key for me has been sustainability. A diet doesn't have to be oppressive and restrictive.

I'm adjusting my goals now, and want to lose 10 more pounds before I started on my fitness goals, and I'll go slow and steady there too. Can't wait to see where I am in 6 more months.

You won't change things over night, but know that one day you'll wake up, your goal weight will be on the scale, but you'll realize you already accomplished what you set out to do!


submitted by /u/shanialabeouf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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