Friday, March 15, 2019

When you feel like giving up, all you need is someone to re-spark your motivation.

Firstly I’m on mobile so please excuse any formatting errors! TL:DR at the bottom!

I’ve been super unmotivated the last month. Haven’t been to the gym in almost 4 weeks, haven’t tracked my calories, went on a holiday for 4 days and ate way too much food and started drinking alcohol again.

It’s the first time I’ve felt like this since I decided to get healthy & change my life 9 months ago. I’d lost 38 pounds so far but then I hit a plateau and my old mindset came creeping back in, the one that said “I’ll go tomorrow” and “It’s been a long day, I’ll just have a sleep in tomorrow morning instead of going to the gym.” I became so hesitant to get back into the gym. I didn’t want to go and not be able to smash out a good workout and end up feeling like a failure.

Today I finished work early for the first time in ages and I was excited to get home to sit and binge watch some Netflix with my husband. But when I got home, he was still out and he had left me a note on the kitchen bench that said “Meet me at the gym!”

So I changed and reluctantly drove the 10 minutes to the gym, dreading it every second. Got to the gym, put my headphones on and jumped on the elliptical to get warmed up. My husband was over on the leg press so I didn’t want to distract him.

I was thinking about just doing 30 minutes of cardio and heading home when one of the other regulars came over and popped this note into the holder on the side of the machine.

Well let me tell you I’ve never had such a huge spike in motivation before. I went over and thanked her and told her how much the note meant to me.

I then proceeded to smash a 623 calorie workout and left the gym with such a positive vibe and so much excitement that I can get back on track and continue my journey!

I know a lot of people don’t want to be bothered at the gym but sometimes all you need is someone to notice your efforts to kickstart your journey again.

TL:DR Had no motivation for continue my weight loss journey lately then someone at the gym left me a note saying I had slimmed down so well and that it was amazing :)

submitted by /u/glitterandgold7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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