Thursday, May 9, 2019

100lbs down now. Started at 410. A couple brief thoughts...

I did I write-up a couple months ago here. So I'm not gonna re-hash that. The pics self-destruct after a short time. It's a throw-away account for a reason. Same reason I don't like pictures of myself, I reckon.

Still don't feel too much different. Was able to buy some cheap crappy clothes at Walmart for the first time in a long time though. Here's me in a pair of 40x30 wranglers and a 3xl fruit of the loom t-shirt. High fashion, I know. But I haven't been able to get away with wearing a $20 outfit in a long time. So I take this as a small victory too. Also, you're all gonna have to excuse the boxes and junk. I'm moving at the end of the month and trying to get ahead of it.

Still over 300lbs. But dropping from 5xl to 3xl and 48 waist pants to 40 is something. Even neck is down from 22 to 19. Weight lifting is going better. It makes the biggest difference in how I feel still. Starting to notice more definition in shoulders and back and a couple other spots. Hard with arms. Know I've got more muscle, but I still got some fat and skin covering it.

I'm so tired. I should be doing work again. I'm not earning much. This year has to be my lowest income year since maybe 2006. But I've been doing this since July and there's only so much effort you can give in a day. Can't pull 60-70 hour work weeks and cook 2 nutritious meals a day and hit the gym. At least I can't. So that's been a bit of a struggle. People generally don't care about that either. Nobody gets to take a year off to lose 100lbs. So some folks get upset that I guard my time more carefully or generally think I'm slacking or being lazy. Fuck em.

Weight's coming off a bit weird. I don't know how to explain it exactly. Not in the medical fields. But feels like in some spots the fat's hopping from inside the muscle to outside before I burn it. In teched up jargon, for the last 20lbs, I've noticed a much more significant visceral to subcutaneous adipose conversion. I'm not exactly sure what's causing it. I've been doing more or less the same routine for months. But it's happening.

Anyways, as you can tell, I still got big meatball hands and sausage fingers. Don't know how much that shit will ever change. Still aiming to lose 80lbs or so more by 2020. Gotta come to terms with the fact even then folks are probably gonna call me 'big guy.' But you know what? Here's a picture of me in the suit coat I was too fat to fit into 10 months ago. It's buttoned, believe it or not. Human mind's a weird thing. I don't see any progress when I look in the mirror in the mornings. But I do when I put that sucker on. I look like friggin David Byrne in it now.

Shit ain't easy. But I set myself up with an attainable long term plan, and my diet's pretty much rote habit at this point. So no real struggles with food. Biggest battle has been with life lately. Just keeping everything else at bay and weight loss high on the priority ladder of things to do in the day is taking a bit of a toll. Nevertheless, when I started out, I started with a plan that stretched from last July to 2020. And I'm more than half way there. Not giving in now. The long, slow march of the tortoise continues.

So that's it. I figured I'd do a 100lbs down update. Maybe I'll do another after summer. Plan is to hit 250, 18 inch neck, 38 inch pants, and 2xl shirt by Halloween. Plan also calls for me to find a few hours per week for cardio by then too. Lord, grant me strength...

submitted by /u/throwaway9911882273
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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