Monday, May 13, 2019

800 days, 413.2lbs lost, and a new lease on life!

Some of you have followed my journey since I started posting in this subreddit over 2 years ago. I have had many ideas of what my end weight should be or where I want to end up. At first I just wanted to get down to under 300lbs, then 250, then under 200lbs. Today my weight is 188.8lbs. I feel this ultimately is my goal weight. Why this weight? I have a lot, and I mean A LOT of loose skin. There were people who weigh less than me who has skin removal surgery and had about 20lbs of loose skin removed. Considering I weighed more than them before I started I put my loose skin at around 20-30lbs. So if you remove all the loose skin I have, that puts my weight around the 160’s. Today also marked 800 days since I started, I went from 602lbs to 188.8 lbs., a loss of 413.2lbs!

  • I went from not being able to walk more than 100ft to now running a 5K at the gym, 3 days a week.
  • I bought a bike and this past weekend I scratched a bucket list item off my list. I rode a bike around Presque Isle, in Erie, PA. My wife and I packed a picnic lunch, rented bikes and we biked the entire park. It was 4.52 miles the first time where we got lost on a trail, then 14.72 when we restarted and stayed on the right trail. A total of 19.24 miles biked. bike route
  • I signed up for the Warrior dash and in July will be doing my first 5K, there are also obstacles I need to climb over or through so it will be an experience. This past weekend I went to the neuromuscular research department at a local university to get my body fat percentage tested. They have a bodpod available for anyone to do testing with for a fee. I have a lot of loose skin and it causes issues trying to determine body fat and actual weight. They ran the test two times to make sure the numbers were accurate. Now before I give you my body fat percentage here is a little background information.
    I started going to a gym in August of 2018 and have gone 3 times a week since I started in August, except for when I had surgery before Christmas and was not allowed to lift any weight until the middle of February. I clocked in at 12% body fat!!! BodPod Results .
    While there they had a dexa scan machine and asked if I was interested in doing a study. I would get a dexa scan, another two weeks later, and then another in 6 months to a year. I signed up before she even finished her sentence, free dexa scans? Hell yea!

There have been a TON of ups and downs across this journey. I was featured in Men’s Health, MyFitnessPal success blog, a magazine in Australia, and another in Germany. I have had numerous people reach out to me asking how to start losing weight and how did I do it.
I started a social media page to follow my weight loss journey because I wanted to share my progress and experiences so others who were my size could see it’s possible to break away from the shackles of being overweight. When I started this journey I never saw anyone my size talking about losing weight or how they did it. All the videos I saw were people who were skinny talking about what to do to lose weight and I couldn’t feel a connection to them as I felt my struggles were things they never would understand.
I struggled with food addiction and an addiction to pop (soda for you people who pronounce it wrong). I always had to have this feeling of being overly full. I had to feel stuffed and every time it would take more and more food to make me feel that way. My calorie count was insane and now I realize why I gained so much weight.
I also struggled with friends who I THOUGHT were friends. Once I started losing weight I noticed a few of my friends never really cared about me losing weight or never said much. This especially happened when I got the point of weighing less than them. I even remember one saying, “Wow I need to do something because you weigh less than me and now I am the fat guy.” It hurt because were they only friends with me because I was fat and they wanted someone else to make them feel better about themselves? This same person still to this day never says anything about my weight loss and has pretty much gone radio silence.
My marriage is the best it has ever been! My wife and I are doing so much more together. We both get to experience new things together. From riding our bikes this past weekend to actually being able to go out to eat and not feeling like I was being stared at for being overweight. I love my wife more than ever, not because she stood by my side through all this but now that I see what she went through with me being overweight. The fact she would stay up at night to make sure I didn’t stop breathing in my sleep hurt a lot. I never realized how much of my mistakes were impacting her life.
Thank you all for cheering me on along my journey. This is only step 1 complete with so many additional steps to go. Next up comes loose skin surgery removal, men’s physique show, and weight lifting competition I want to do. This is my new lease on life and I plan to live it every day!.

submitted by /u/snkeolr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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