Basically I have low (virtually no) self-esteem. I struggle to look people in the eye and am nervous to leave the house for fear of everyone’s judgement. A decent portion of this is tied up in shame over how I look/my weight. Every time I try to lose weight I hype myself up by imagining all the benefits/how much greater my life would be if I lost it. Then a while in, I (due to low self-esteem) subconsciously self-sabotage and begin thinking I don’t deserve that better life/the benefits that come with a healthy weight. I tell myself I’m doomed to be like this and soon enough I relapse and just fall off the wagon. These episodes have made me think I really need to get better self-esteem and believe I’m worth it before I can lose weight, but to get that self-esteem I also feel like I’d need to lose weight! It’s a terrible cycle and I’m wondering if anyone else has esteem issues/has sabotaged themselves by believing they’re not worth it and has any insight on how to overcome this?
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
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