Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I have never been in the position to even think about not losing any more weight, but now I am. And it's a bit scary.

Hello guys,

I have started losing weight about 4 years ago. I was about 16 years old (F), was and still am 160cm small, and my highest weight at that time was 73kg. My BMI was 28.5, normal would have been 17.9-23.3, so I was overweight. Since then, I have been at times more, at other times less motivated to lose the weight I didn't need.

Since December of last year, I have been at around 54kg, whenever I am at home a lot (during holidays etc.) I tend to eat more out of boredom and usually gain 1.5-2kg, but I have always been able to lose them again once I have something to keep myself busy with again. I am already working on not eating out of boredom anymore because it makes me feel terrible, but it takes its time.

My BMI is now 21.1, I am perferctly within the normal weight span and I am so much more confident this summer, than I ever was before.

My issue is now, that I don't know, if I want to stop here. I have been putting exercise aside the past few months, because Uni got really stressful, but I plan on exercising again from next week on at least 2 times a week. I feel good in clothes and I feel okay naked. But what if I could feel even better?

Normal weight for my age and height ranges between 62kg and 49kg. But since I have started donating blood last month, I can't drop below 50kg because then I wouldn't qualify as a blood donor anymore, and that's something I always wanted to do and I don't want to give up on.

Again, since last December, my lowest weight kept being 54kg. And usually when I weigh around that amount again, I have noticed that I lose interest in calorie restriction. Does that mean that the weight, I am most comfortable in, is 54kg? Should I know focus on maintaining, but at the same time exercising to lose some fat and gain muscles instead?

This is just brand new to me. I have either always been in the state, of not giving a f*ck about my weight and eating whatever I want thus gaining weight, or trying to lose weight and count calories. I can't even really enjoy being at a normal weight, because I feel like maintaining is the real work for me now, since I don't have any practice in it whatsoever.

I don't know what kind of responses I am hoping for writing this, it feels more like a diary entry than a specific question :D But if there are people reading this, who made the transition from losing weight to maintaining it, please tell me where you started and what possible mistakes there are to avoid.

To everyone else who is still on their weight loss journey, please hang in there, for your own mental and physical well-being, it will be so worth it in the end and you will feel super duper proud and happy that you did it :) Know your goals, and know, that you can reach them!

submitted by /u/FinbarOmen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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