Thursday, May 9, 2019

I(23F) am starting my weight loss journey and would love your advice!

I(23F) am starting my journey to lose 80lbs today. I had a baby last July via emergency C section which left me needing a little more recovery time. From my pregnancy itself, I only gained 12 lbs! I was stoked on that! And then after I gave birth- I was still pretty bedridden after such a major surgery. Plus trying to mother a newborn, left me making some pretty careless food choices. The first and most significant to how my weight got so out of control is that I was eating whatever was available whenever I had time. Which turned out to be Taquitos. They were almost effortless. Cheap, easy to throw in the oven, involved very little clean up, and kept me full. After like 3 months of recovery from surgery, I was able to move around without serious pain. My incision was healed, my cervix was closed, my pain was gone and I could finally try and return to some sort of normal after 10 months of pregnancy, a traumatic birth experience and 3 months of awful recovery time.

So then I stepped on the scale. 230 effing pounds. I have never been this heavy in my entire life. I remember being in high school and being 150 pounds and always complaining to my friends that I was fat. Looking back at pictures of myself and the clothes I still have that I can’t even get 1 toe into now, I realize that I wasn’t at all. I was healthy. And happy, even though I complained about my weight a lot. There were more times I would surprise myself with how good I looked than how bad I looked. It’s the opposite now. I can’t remember the last time I looked in a mirror and liked the reflection staring back at me.

So it’s time. For my health. For my son. For my confidence. So I can feel comfortable again. I really miss being comfortable. I really miss the days when I didn’t have back rolls. Having back rolls is uncomfortable, and I want to be comfortable.

So here I am. It’s time. I’m ready. I just have to do it. I refuse to succumb to the feeling of not knowing where to start so therefor not starting anything at all. I’ve downloaded the Noom app and signed up with them for a whopping $58.99 a month(😱). I’m going to also be incorporating CICO and IF. So we’ll see how it goes. I just know that whatever it is I find that works for me, I have to enjoy it. I’ve failed in the past because I do things that I fucking hate doing. Like going to the gym. And eating nothing but broccoli. Nobody should put themselves through only eating broccoli and going to the gym 7 days a week. My mental health really suffered when I tried to force myself through that, so I’m just not even going to go there this time.

Does anyone have any WL advice, tips, or feedback/personal experience using the Noom app? Was it worth the money? Any advice or personal experiences doing CICO + IF?

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I know I’m a scattered mess, but I just want to be a happy and healthy scattered mess!

submitted by /u/hollandangel1132
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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