Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Loosing motivation

First time poster here, congratulations on everyone's weight loss journeys I've seen! You're all amazing!
For myself I've currently lost 50 kilos (110 pounds) in 2 years & I'm sitting at around 110 kilos (242 pounds) at 163cm (5"4) It's been a long journey but I am proud of myself, even though that's taken some time to learn!

Lately I've been stuck in a rut, I've gained some weight since Easter, the scale goes up and down all the time I know its just disappointing to see some days. So now I've put the scale away as I used to weight myself everyday and get upset if it hadn't moved.
Going to the gym is a struggle, I get bored easy and some days I really just dont want to do it, does anyone have any gym routines they follow? Cardio bores me some days I don't mind lifting weights just don't have a routine down.

I think focusing on what I'm eating more is definitely going be somewhere to start, according to myfitnesspal my calorie intake should be 1700 calories a day to loose 0.75 kilos a week (1.65 pounds) I don't want to go back to cutting out a lot of stuff because then I just eat everything, I enjoy having bad foods every now and then as well so I dont feel restrictive.

Only issue is sometimes I seem to eat when I'm bored, has anyone got any tips to overcome that? I understand sometimes you can just be hungry as well and I try to make sure to drink at least 2L of water a day too.

Can everyone possibly post what sort of foods you eat each day? Need some inspiration I think for some new food ideas.

I appreciate any help that I'm given, this seems like a great community! My goal right now is to loose another 10kg (22 pounds) and get in the 90 kilo range!

submitted by /u/_tiffachu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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