Friday, May 24, 2019

Lost 5lbs in one week - whoosh or what?

Hi all,

I officially started my weight loss April 16th. I’m trying to eat around 1200 calories, but there have been plenty of 1400 and 1600 calorie days.

Stats, right - Female, 26 years old, 5’7”, SW 176, CW 163.

Since my start date I trended downward steadily in weight. So for example:

4/16: 176 lbs

4/23: 173 lbs

4/30: 172 lbs

5/7: 171 lbs

5/15: 169 lbs

It was slow progress, especially breaking the 170 mark, but I was doing it! I saw a trend in movement.

Then I fell off the wagon. 5/16 - 5/19 I ate a total of 7837 calories, an average of almost 2000 calories a day.

To compensate, my calories the rest of the week then looked like this:

5/20: 1670

5/21: 1282

5/22: 1306

5/23: 1291

I worked out 3 of these days, either with a light run of ~1 slow mile, or some light weightlifting and 10 min on the elliptical. Nothing intensive. Nothing I haven’t been doing since I started this journey in April.

Today I weighed myself fully expecting to be at 168. I mean, to be fair, I ate like shit for half the week, right? I maybe didn’t gain, but I certainly didn’t lose.

Nope. Wrong. 163lbs this morning. With the scale in the same place, first thing in the morning, naked as my birthday (as always when I weigh myself).

When I dropped to 169 it was a RUSH. I was ELATED. It was no longer the dreaded 170’s!!!! Progress!!!!

But this morning it felt... wrong? I mean, my scale is obviously malfunctioning, right? Weighed myself 3 more times. Definitely something wrong.

Nope. 163lb,

And now I’m... anxious? I’m worried it’s wrong. I’m worried it’s a fluke. I’m worried I’ll weigh myself in 3 days and be back at 167 where I expected to be today.

How could I lose 5lbs in one week with 4/7 days eating at 2000 calories??? I’m not an athlete. I’m not secretly hitting the gym for 5 hours a day.

I feel like my scale is a lie and my progress is bogus, when logically I expected I should be celebrating a new, much lower, number staring back at me.

I don’t feel thinner. My stomach is flatter but definitely not flat. Pants are still fitting the same. I don’t look like I weigh 10lbs less than last month.

Someone please give my sanity some perspective? I’m happy to celebrate a “whoosh”, but instead I feel like I’m holding my breath for the scale to jump back up.

(p.s. how do I post pictures on the app??! I keep a nifty calendar with my daily calories and weigh-ins which would make this faaar easier to explain. Also, progress pics šŸ’šŸ¼‍♀️)

submitted by /u/catherinesosilly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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