Thursday, May 2, 2019

NSV: I can finally see some changes in my body! (SFW progress pics included.)

Link to progress pictures included towards the end of the post.

I’m 23F, 5’7”. I started on January 25th at my HW of 336.0 lbs. As of my weigh-in this Monday, I’m now 291.2 lbs, so 44.8 lbs down in about 13.5 weeks.

I've been morbidly obese for my entire life, and I've spent years yo-yo dieting. The decision to start losing weight this time around felt different, though. For the first time in my life, I wanted to do it to take care of myself and my health, not to punish my body because I was disgusted with it like I always have in the past. I've been doing CICO and IF, paying attention to portion sizes, and making overall healthier choices. My diet isn't too restrictive in terms of what I eat. I still enjoy some of my favorite junky snacks, but I just eat them much less frequently and in much smaller portions. I've also really liked IF, and I tend to save a large chunk of my calories for later in the afternoon/early evening. I've always had a tendency to binge at night, so I've found that filling up (within my calorie limits) later in the day really helps reduce the likelihood of me binging before bed. Also, so far most of my weight loss has been done without any exercise whatsoever. Only last week have I started to introduce some exercise into my life with a stationary bike. I have pretty severe chronic back pain, but I'm hoping that my back pain will reduce as I continue to lose weight so I can include a wider variety of physical activity in my life.

I've always been really inspired by looking at other people’s progress pics and I knew I should take some of my own, but I couldn’t bear the thought of taking any photos of my body when I first started at my HW. However, I decided to start taking progress pictures in mid-March after I had lost 26.4 lbs and was 309.6 lbs.

Since then, I’ve felt kind of sad about not being able to see many changes in my body. The main change I noticed was that my bra cups were less full than they had been, but I couldn’t notice any changes in my stomach or anything. In fact, sometimes I even feel larger than I felt when I first started my weight loss journey even though I logically know I’ve lost nearly 45 lbs at this point.

But last night I took another set of progress pics at 291.2 lbs, so 18.4 lbs down from the mid-March photos and 44.8 lbs down overall... and I was shocked when I realized I could actually see a difference!! I even washed that shirt recently and haven’t worn it until I put it on last night to take the photos, so it’s not like it’s loose or stretched out from wearing it recently. But my stomach is a little smaller!

I still have a long way to go until I’m at any semblance of a healthy body weight, but seeing evidence of my body shrinking a little bit when I haven’t been able to see it in the mirror has given me a huge burst of motivation.

Now I wish I would have taken pictures at the very start of my weight loss journey so I could see the full impact of the ~45 lb difference, but I’m just glad I at least started when I did so I can at least keep comparing down the line as I make more progress.

I also just wanted to thank everyone on r/loseit. Reading all of your posts really helps keep me on track and makes the whole weight loss process feel less lonely.

submitted by /u/ausdemchaos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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