Tuesday, May 7, 2019

NSV: I only ate the recommended serving size!

Longtime lurker, first time poster.

I've been trying to lose weight since December. I've steadily been gaining weight since I started working remotely a couple of years ago, but in December, my doctor broke it to me that I was in the overweight BMI category. I'd gone from a lifetime weight of 135-140 pounds to 165 - and I'm only 5'2".

I felt horrible that I'd let myself get to this stage, so I started using Noom, which is a weight loss app and program. I used it really heavily for a couple of months and then started using it off and on, but my habits were still getting better and better.

Now, I've lost 19 pounds (it's been a slow and steady journey haha), but my victories go beyond the scale. I do have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder, and I've been working really hard since December to use strategies to mitigate my binging triggers and focus on adding in new healthy foods. Additionally, I've recently transitioned from vegetarianism to veganism, which has been a fun journey as well.

But here's my biggest win from today: I always loved Halo Top when I was vegetarian, but I've yet to find a great non-dairy replacement now that I am vegan (I hate HT's non-dairy flavors unfortunately). Yesterday I picked up a pint of Ben & Jerry's Non-Dairy Brownie Batter, which I knew was probably going to be a disaster but I wanted to try it.

Today, for my afternoon snack, I spooned out exactly the serving size (1/2 cup), enjoyed it immensely, logged it in my food log for the day, and kept going about my day.

With a binging disorder, it's so hard to have a healthy, positive relationship with treats like this. It's so easy to just say, fuck it, I deserve to be unhealthy, and eat the entire container. It's so easy to disregard any sense of care for yourself, and subject yourself to unhealthy behavior.

But today, I overcame those impulses and did something "NORMAL" with a treat - something I've rarely been able to do in life. I wanted to share and thank you all for your inspiration!

submitted by /u/cclonch44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Lv84d1

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