Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Significant other and weight loss guilt

My boyfriend and I are long distance, but we get to see each other about once a month. We are both on fitness journeys tailored to us as individuals. Mine is calorie counting and weightlifting. His tends to be super clean eating and cardio, he is training to go back into the army. We usually are really good influences on each other, but lately I have been feeling guilty because we tend to have one meal where we treat ourselves when were together. I tend not to finish everything on my plate because I will save the last 25% of a meal to evaluate if I'm really still hungry or my body hasn't realized it is full yet. Once I feel full, I always offer him whatever I have left because I don't like to bring leftovers home because going out is a treat, usually much higher in calories than my normal meals, and I know the next day I have to go back to my day to day structure.

He has never said that it bothers him and he is making leaps and bounds in his goals, but I really feel like I'm hindering him in some way by getting foods he normally wouldn't eat because I'm treating myself but stopping before I overindulge and he feels in some way obligated to finish what I got. For instance, we went to a baseball game and I knew it was going to be a treat so i got loaded tater tots (668 cals). I only ended up eating 25% of them and then i was full because I tend to only eat small meals throughout the day. I offered him the rest and he ate them. The day after he was telling me how crappy he felt and how bloated he was. I feel like it was my fault for even offering them to him.

Am I just being crazy or does this hold some credence? For reference, he has lost 20lbs and I am down 40lbs in 2 months.

submitted by /u/keepon_lifting
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2H989iC

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