Friday, May 3, 2019

Starting....Again.....Hope to take advantage of the support from a like minded community

I've been lurking on Reddit for a while and finally decided to make an account a little while ago after finding this sub. Now I have finally mustered up the courage to make a post about my journey.

(Warning: humblebrag ahead)

I have always struggled with weight since a little kid. This caused issues between my father and I throughout my entire childhood/adolescence; he was always an athlete and cool kid in his youth and didn't know how to handle a son who was the exact opposite. In High School I was chubby but still fairly active riding my bike, playing basketball, and lifting weights. I started getting into powerlifting by my Sr. year in HS and got fairly strong, but not thin (look up powerlifters and you'll see what I'm talking about). Had just broken the 300lb barrier on bench and then had a bad ATV wreck that injured my left shoulder, which put a big damper on the benching. Afterwards I still tried keeping up with the lifting but that waned and completely stopped as I graduated HS and started college. Life got a little harder and busier, my eating habits have never been great and the newfound financial freedom of having my own job and money only exacerbated that fact. In HS I had stayed at about 230lbs at my heaviest and by the end of my first year in college I had broken 280lbs. I had gotten to the point where I had trouble walking up stairs and everything I did made my breathing heavy. Over that summer I decided that enough was enough.

I started trying to run and at first couldn't even get to the end of the block without giving up; I kept at it and to make my long story short, I lost 100lbs in a little less than a year. I went from 280lbs to 180lbs and from barely able to jog to the end of my block to running a full marathon. From there I kept the weight off and continued running and becoming ever more active. I started running faster, mountain biking, joined a crossfit gym for a bit and just overall became a pretty intense weekend warrior type. I was lighter and more fit than I had ever been in my life. happened and I lost my grandmother (the only grandparent that I had ever been close to) which started a whole slew of mental issues with myself. This all led to me getting lazy and making excuses so I started neglecting my physical activities and routines and kept telling myself that it was all due to increasing school workload and job responsibilities which caused me to slowly regress to my bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle and then some.

About a decade after I started my weight loss journey I found myself tipping the scales at about 250lbs and climbing. By that point in my life I had graduated college, gotten married, had a kid and was working a full time job (I was busy). Then to top it off I had been laid off and struggled getting back on my feet, I was unemployed for over 1.5 years which only made me turn to food more. I gained another 30lbs and have been there for the past several years. My life is finally starting to come together to where I feel mentally able to handle the mental stress that changing one's lifestyle brings with it.

So, a couple of weeks ago I finally decided that I was going to try a little harder. I have started counting my calories, keeping myself under 2000 calories/day, and am down to just under 260lbs now. I hope to be able to share my experience and get motivated by reading about all your journeys and accomplishments.

TL;DR: Have always been fat, got fatter in college, got skinny and fit, life happened and got fat again, now trying to not be fat anymore....again.

submitted by /u/polkaICE
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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