Friday, May 17, 2019

Transitioning out of a Diet. Now What?

Does anyone have tips on what to do when transitioning out of a diet? I read a really great article here that helped me put things into perspective a bit.

But after so many months of living in a calorie defecit with weekend splurges, I think I recognized the increasing binges meant it might be time to loosen the reins a bit.

When I started my weight loss process I was just over 140 lbs. That was July 2018. Now I weigh right around 114-115 lbs. (26 year old female that is 5'4"). I need to stop obsessing over the number on the scale at this point and focus on transitioning to healthier lifestyle without functioning on a 1300-1400 calorie/day diet at least 5 days a week.

How do I best find my appropriate caloric intake to maintain my weight?

I walk for 30 mins a day 5 times a week at a very brisk pace as a constant basal level of exercise.

Other activities I do depending on the season or my schedule include up to 2-3 days of rugby a week, 1-2 horseback trail riding sessions lasting 1-2 hours every 1-2 weeks, and yoga for 20 mins for at least 1 but up to 3 times a week.

The caloric intake calculators out there vary so much. I have gotten suggestions from 1450-1950 calories a day depending on the site that I have used, which is quite a large discrepancy.

Any recommendations on how to keep the weight off and stay fit without making myself feel deprived?

I lost weight to feel happier but dieting for almost a year has recently started to feel restrictive and is starting to interfere with my happiness by bringing about guilt for indulging on foods I had not eaten as often or at all during my weight loss diet and still staring at the scale with scrutiny.

How have other redditors successfully kept the weight off in a sustainable way?

submitted by /u/skyofthoughts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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