Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advice: Used to binge eat, trying to stop, what do I do about the hunger?

've been depressed I've been binge eating for a year now and gained several pounds because of it. Its funny how depression is associated with weight loss in the media.

I used to eat a lot - every second I was free, I was eating pizza and meat. It got so out of control that the food delivery guys knew me by name. Food delivery apps would offer special discounts for me. I was eating maybe five major unhealthy meals with chips and Cheetos in between.

I've been wanting to cut down on my food habits and only have three meals a day. However, I feel hungry in the gaps and I don't know what to do. I desperately want to eat something, and a lot of it, but I don't know what I should be eating because I'm worried about weight gain.

Are there any healthy foods I can eat a lot of and not be worried about gaining weight?

Or any other diet plan that will accommodate for my hunger between meals?

submitted by /u/Naruto10-10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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